The article dwells on the issues of formation of youth parliamentarism in CIS countries and Russia, its necessity, realization and development in the context of improvement of management system of the policy in reference to youth, its active participation in the political life of society inclusive. It is pointed that though the functioning model of youth parliamentarism came from Europe it is the school of Comsomol, only in a new modern image. The author draws attention to the mostly important indices of the model in question proceeding from the assumption of its essence and significance. He canvasses potential and factual plight in CIS counties related to the formation of youth parliamentarism. The author`s inference runs to the effect that CIS countries, except Russia, have one and the same unsatisfactory situation concerned with inculcation of youth parliamentarism. Miraliyon gives recommendations on its systemic effectuation in CIS countries.
youth, youth parliamentarism, state policy in reference to youth, contemporary society, democratization, management
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