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Dilemma of Vector Related to Tajikistan Republic Economy Integration Into World Economy: Problems And Perspectives

Author (s)

Mamadov Saidmurodkhon Valiyevich, Sultanov Nosir Maxumovich


Globalization of world economy made an impact upon intensive development of economic ties on all levels of the process in question. One of the results of globalization is its regionalization. More comprehensive using of absolute and comparative advantages of regional collaboration in regard to successful solution of complicated social-economic problems of the county, the necessity to work out measures on preclusion of the processes dealing with disintegration and obviation of conflict situation in relation to Central Asia`s countries put a dilemma of alternative selection in reference to Tajikistan Republic collaboration in the format of ES, EuroAsEC and ShOC. In conformity with the authors` view-points, in spite of the problems existing Tajikistan Republic economy in its structure is close and prone to dynamical integration with the economies of the countries included into EurAsEC, and it needs, first of all, in technical aid on the part of  Union members. 


regionalization of globalization, CAES (Central-Asiatic economic community), (EuroAsEC), disintegration processes, asymmetrical development, estimation of economic potential, regional transport infrastructure


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Publication date

Thursday, 30 June 2016