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Welfare and Responsibility

Author (s)

Kabanov Vadim Nikolaevich


The aim of this paper is to consider the category of "responsibility" under the conditions of an uneven growth of welfare for population in a separately taken state. Through the prism of the analytical apparatus used by the UN, in annual human development reports, criticism of modern theories of welfare, including practical implementation of theoretical provisions in " common welfare States" have been considered. From the standpoint of Marxist analysis of modern principles embodied in the existence of state, as well as in the relations between people, is implemented. The author's point of view on the transformation of relationships in modern society under the angle of the most effective use of human capital application for achieving social development is suggested; a central role not only of education, but primarily educational upbringing, without which the achievement of the development of civilization is impossible‚ having been manifested either.


welfare, responsibility, human stock, material revenue, state development, supremacy, upbringing


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Publication date

Monday, 25 April 2016