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Analysis Concerned with Properties of Economic Space of Sughd Viloyat

Author (s)

Karimova Inoyat Ismoilovna


The article dwells on the problem related to the analysis of properties of economic space. The author of the article elicits the following properties of spacial development of the territory: reduction, openness, fragmentiveness, changes which sway over the configuration of economic space. She considers the indicators characterizing the spacial development of Sughd viloyat. Indices characterizing hinderings preventing from the development of economic space are determined. Proceeding from the assumption of the analysis dealing with the space in question the author elicits the problems of spacial development of the region. 


economic space, properties, indicators, reduction, openness, fragmentation, hinderings to spacial development


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1.  Granberg A.G. Grounds of Regional Economy: manual for higher schools. – The third edition. – M.: State Managerial Office of Higher Economy School (HES MO), 2003. – 495 pp.

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Publication date

Monday, 16 January 2017