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Theoretical Approaches to the Management with the System of Higher Education under the Conditions of Market Transformation

Author (s)

Gazibekov Sadriddin Arslanbekovich, Yusupov Ayubjon Kendjaboyevich


The authors explore the theoretical grounds of an application  of systemic approach to the problem of management with the system of higher professional education under the  conditions of  market transformational economy in Tajikistan Republic. In a  new paradigm of education cultivation of individual development in regard to students (human capital) occupies the central place, students are imbued with such qualities as creativity and leadership which in their combination become  a characteristic  of graduates` competence. It is shown  that in the process of  transplantation  of educational systems of developed countries into a new institutional environment one should take into consideration socio-cultural and institutional peculiarities of society. The usage of the  experience of the creation of the educational systems worked out by  developing countries, close with their  historic and sociocultural specifities to  the institutional structure of Tajikistan Republic will promote their effective transplantation and adaptation.


system, systemic approach, transplantation, transformation, institutes


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Publication date

Thursday, 02 July 2015