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The Content of Information and Informational Resource as Economic Category

Author (s)

Boboev Z.M.


Under modern conditions in world economics the process of globalization has been intensifying as an objective world economy tendency towards internationalization of economic life; it assumes, first of all, the forms of development of informational technologies. For the latest years one can often hear that it is human capital which turns into the principal economic resource. And really, information and its creative potentialities are an important resource. The author proves that the contemporary Tajikistan enjoys all chances to achieve the highest standard economic development by means of creative resources. Considerable attention is paid to such new economic categories as information, informational resources, informational market; all these three factors giving an impulse for informational commodity and market. Disclosure of the essence of information as economic resource and category is important for elicitation of a gyst of the economy of knowledge and information; informational society referring hereto as well.


information, informational resource, information and knowledge, informational economy, human capital, informational society, risk,management  



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Publication date

Tuesday, 12 January 2016