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Systemic Analysis of Bankruptcy in Regard to Industrial Outfits

Author (s)

Kayumova Shakhzoda Tagoyevna


The article is aimed at a systemic analysis assigned for a disclosure of the problem of bankruptcy as a tool of economy sanitation. In this respect the author has characterized the state of affairs in Tajikistan. It is elicited that in the republic a mechanism of training and selection of forensic managers‚ whose duties are an execution of bankruptcy procedure‚ is practically non-available. Creation of mechanisms of law effectuation in this branch requires an adoption of a number of normative-legal instruments and a formation of respective institutional structures. The necessity of organization of special institutional structures which would provide state regulation of bankruptcy processes in the republic is preconditioned‚ first and foremost‚ by a transitional character of economy and state property possessed by big enterprises whose share is still rather noticeable. Special companies which might unite experts in this field are still non-available in TR and adequate practice of effectuation of legislation in regard to bankruptcy is absent at the present time.


systemic analysis‚ transitional period‚ entrepreneurship‚ process of bankruptcy‚ special institutional structures‚ legislation in regard to bankruptcy 


Big Dictionary in Economics/ Under the editorship pf A.N.Azriliyan. –M.:Institute of New Economics, 2011. -1376 pp.


2. Kabirov Sh.O. Formation and Development of Corporative Enterprising Milieu of Unitary Outfit: Theory and Methodology of Anticrisis Management (“Talko GUP of Tajikistan Republic”): synopsis of  candidate  dissertation in economy. TSUC (Tajik State University of Commerce:08.00.05 / Kabirov Sherali Olomovoch. –Dushanbe, 2012. -40 pp.

Publication date

Friday, 09 October 2015