At the modern stage of social-economic development of Tajikistan Republic reformation of tax system and development of tax administering, respective of its aims and goals determined by the state policy in the field of tax relations, are considered mainly as a potential reserve of tax charge reduction in reference to economy‚ basis for tax collection increase and a ground for a development of international economic processes accompanied with republic entrance into WTO as well. The author canvasses the first results of the tax reform‚ analyzes a dynamics of tax entries into the state budget of the country, substantiates some aspects of tax administering; she proposes also basic streamlines concerned with tax policy perfection
tax reform, priorities of tax policy, tax charge, tax administering, tax entries
1. «Bodgu Khirodge» (Tax Collection) – the newspaper of the Tax Committee under the Government of Tajikistan Republic from 22.01.2015‚ #4 (945)
2. Tax Bulletin // the Journal of the Tax Committee under the Government of Tajikistan Republic (special issue). Dushanbe, 2013. #2. – pp. 6-9.
3. The Message of Tajikistan Republic President to the Majlisi Oli of Tajikistan Republic from 20.04.2011. Dushanbe‚ 2014.
4. Tax Code of Tajikistan Republic. Official edition - Dushanbe‚ 2012. – 335 pp.
5. The Fiat of the Tax Committee Chairman under the Government of Tajikistan Republic from 14.07.2014‚ #202. Source: (Date of addressing: 21.06.2015)
6. The Enactment of Tajikistan Republic Government «On Validation of the Programme of Tax Administering Development for 2011-2015» from 03.12.2010‚ #326.
7. official site of the Tax Committee under the Government of Tajikistan Republic (date of request: 21.06.2015)