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Problems of Realization of Statal Policy Concerned with Development and Support of Small and Medium Business in Russia

Author (s)

Isokov Anvarjohn Abdumannonovich, Lebedeva Darya Vladimirovna


The  article dwells on the state of entrepreneurship development in Russia, the author suggests basic streamlines of statal policy in reference to small  and medium business aimed at  an elevation of general institutional maturity of Russian economy. In spite of the efforts undertaken the share of SMB in Russian economy continues to remain at the level of less than 25%. Hereby, the share of those employed in  this sector is at the low level too. The share of SMB in economic circulation  of industry makes up about 6,5-7%. The streamlines are aimed at a creation  of a general favourable enterprising and investitive environment founded on the following factors: properly functioning law enforcement bodies and forensic systems, further combat with  corruption and irrational administrative bars, quali­tative  statistical information  about Russian SMB at all levels  and maximal connection  with profitable revenues of regional and local budgets to the dynamics of the development  of minor forms related to economic activities on the territories in  question.


small and medium entrepreneurship, state support, innovations, modernization of economy, institational milieu


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Publication date

Thursday, 02 July 2015