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Entrepreneurship Sector as Economic System

Author (s)

Amindjanova Mukhiba Mukhammadnasimovna


The article dwells on the economy model associated with entrepreneurship sector of national economy built on the basis of systemic approach application.  The author made an endeavour to elicit qualitative and quantitative parametres  characterizing entrepreneurship sector  as a  complicated system. The firm`s activity is described by dint of a productive function characterizing a resultative influence of manufacture factors. The author determines approaches towards an insurance of effectiveness inside a firm.

She moves an idea presupposing a formation of market strategy behavior of enterprising activity in whose frames competitive advantages are carried out. The general structure of systemic analysis  in reference to an entrepreneurship sector and the influence of an institutional environment over the development of enterprises in  Tajikistan Republic have been canvassed in the article


entrepreneurship sector, economic system, national economy, systemic approach, entrepreneurship success, entrepreneurship environment, institutional environment


1. Brunova V.I. Foundations of Entrepreneurship // V.1. Brunova. –SPb.: SPb State Automatic Systems  of  Management (SASM), 2010. – 106 pp.

2. Urunov A.A. The Problems of Regional Economy Stabilization. –Khujand: Khuroson, 2000. – 168 pp.

3. Folomeyev A.N. Innovational Type of Economy Development: Text-book /The 2-nd edition, revised and enlarged. – M.: RAYS printing-house, 2008. – 243 pp.

Publication date

Thursday, 02 July 2015