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Some Theoretical Aspects of Statal-Private Entrepreneurship

Author (s)

Muqaddas-zoda F.M.


The article dwells on some theoretical aspects in regard to further national economy development in the context of compliance of statal-private interests. The author elicits that paradoxical relations of state and private sectors couse a rise of negative factors which manifest themselves in corruption encouragement and shadow economy development. In this context it is marked by the author that under the conditions of intensification of exogenous competitive pressure with limitation of natural resources being taken into account statal-private entrepreneurship as a potential resource is able to effectuate a long term and sustainable growth of Tajikistan economy. Consequently, the author proposes elaboration and application of complied mechanisms of statal-private cooperation which can ensure interests of state‚ society and private sector; into the bargain, the factor of statal-private entrepreneurship as a paradigm growth promotes upon the whole a realization of strategic goals of the country`s evolution.


statal-private entrepreneurship, zone of compliance of interests, paradoxes of development, shadow economy‚ national economy, strategic evolution


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Publication date

Tuesday, 12 January 2016