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Mechanism of Income Distribution under the Conditions of Transitive Economy

Author (s)

Ummatov Ilyosjohn Akhmadjonovich


The article is aimed at the study of the existing theories related to distribution of incomes in economy science. The author invoked diverse economy schools, the range dwelt  on begins with the classical school and is terminated with that one of marginalism and the theory of human capital. The author shows the gyst of these theories, their advantages and drawbacks, a possibility of utilization in transitive economy. The  theories considered  are divided into two groups respective of their contents; the living  standard theory being of major consideration. Such a division promotes a grouping of theories and  relieves the research. Concentrating on the  theory of  human capital the author proves its advantage validated with economy practice of contemporary developed countries. The author finishes his article  with recommendations on an application of the theory of income distribution.


dostribution of income, mechanosm of distribotion, transitive economy, earning wages, human capital, labour payment, labour productivity


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Publication date

Thursday, 02 July 2015