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Provision of Transparency Mechanism in the Public Service System of Modern Tajikistan

Author (s)

Soliev Sh. Kh.


In recent decades the principle of transparency is considered as an important principle of anticorruption policy and development of effective governance. In this article the author examines the mechanism of transparency in the public service system of Tajikistan. The author emphasizes that a provision of transparency principle may promote a reduction of the level of corruption in the country. The author pays special attention to the achievements of the Tajik government in the provision of transparency. Promotion of the development of free mass media, electronic ones inclusive, support of journalistic investigations, monitoring of political processes‚ especially in anti-corruption policy, strengthening of internal self-control bodies, active participation of international organizations and civil society in anticorruption policy, wide involvement of citizens into political life, improvement of state procurement and etc. are considered as important mechanisms of transparency enhancement in the activity of state institutes. The author proposes a number of recommendations in order to improve transparency in public service system.


transparency,public service, corruption, mass media, civil society, monitoring, information


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Publication date

Tuesday, 12 January 2016