The right for court defense is an important constitutional one of a citizen in any democratic state. Therefore‚ in the frames of an elaboration of conceptual problems related to administrative legal proceedings rather actual is a study of the problem concerned with the cases dealing with administrative rule breakages and of those ones which refer to an insurance of citizens` rights defense from non-lawful pursuance beset with administrative answerability.
The article dwells on a research of the problems of development and peculiarities of administrative legal proceedings which‚ just as other types of the latters (constitutional‚ civil‚ criminal ones)‚ are characterized with general gender features inherent in a processual form‚ in general‚ and with the specifities preconditioned with a character of an administrative debate on law issue‚ in particular. Accent is done upon the elicitation of an administrative-processual form of legal proceedings effectuation‚ regulation and for their codification. At the contemporary stage of forensic power development in Tajikistan they adopt certain measures in the frames of court-law reforms on realization of the conception of isolation of administrative legal proceedings and codification of legislation regulating consideration and settlement of administrative disputes.
administrative legal proceedings‚ administrative justice‚ administrative procedures‚ administrative case‚ parties and other participants of administrative process‚ norms of administrative legal proceedings
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