The presented article is devoted to the study of responsibility for a violation of the rules of keeping and running of shareholders` inventory in a shareholders` association in pursuance with Tajikistan Republic legislation. Analyzing the functioning legislation the author paid attention to the peculiarities of legal regulation of answerability in the relations between shareholders.
The author dwells on the state programme in regard to reorganization of state enterprises by dint of their transformation into shareholders` associations of an open type. She notes that all shareholders` associations in Tajikistan Republic are registered in the United inventory of shareholders pertaining to the Ministry of Finances. The author`s approach towards the issue of the upspringing of shareholders` association in Tajikistan deserves attention. Being the person charged with an obligation on qualitative running and keeping of shareholders` lists (inventory) an emitent bears responsibility before shareholders in accordance with the rules of chapter 25 of the Civil Code of Tajikistan Republic.
inventory‚ legal relations between shareholders‚ shareholders` association‚ valuable papers‚ emission‚ delicti relations‚ inventory holder
1. Tajikistan Republic Law «On Shareholders` Associations» // Tajikistan Republic Supreme Parliament Law‚ 2007‚ № 3‚ art. 170; 2008‚ № 10‚ art. 812; 2009‚ № 5‚ art. 318; №№ 7-8‚ art. 496; 2010‚ № 1‚ art. 9.
2. The Code of Tajikistan Republic «On Administrative Law Violations» / Akhbori of Majlisi Oli of Tajikistan Republic (Supreme Parliament News)‚ 2008‚ № 12‚ p.1‚ articles 898‚ 990; 2009‚ № 5‚ art. 321; №№9-10‚ art. 543; 2010‚ № 1‚ art. 2‚5; № 3‚ art. 153‚ № 7‚ art. 547; № 12 p.1‚ art. 812; 2011‚ № 6‚ art. 431; №№ 7-8‚ art. 610; № 12‚ art. 838; RT Law from 03.07.2012‚ № 825; № 843; RT Law from 01.08.2012‚ № 877; RT Law from 28.12.12; № 910‚ RT Law from 19.03.2013.‚ № 938, RT Law from 22.07.2013.‚ № 980).
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