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Utilization of Electronic Reference-Law Systems under Legislation Systematization

Author (s)

Shokirov Gaybullo Abdulloyevich


The article dwells on the formation of the traditional notion of systematization of legislation, its forms and roles in law policy of the state; the author analyzes the opinions of scientists-jurists on this problem and makes inferences on a potentiality of introducing official electronic publication of normative law acts, organization of law informational systems, reference-law-computer systems, reference-law-informational systems, reference-quest systems or organization of sites of statal power bodies, introduction of a unified electronic source of publishing. He also explores the problems of development of informational technologies under the conditions of globalization, i.e., computerization of a certain juridical activity, operative access to a needed law information in Tajikistan, legislative base of this sphere, immediate usage of law reference systems and Internet-site of state power bodies in Tajikistan; a number of suggestions on this occasion being made.


informational technology, law creative activity, systematization of legislation, electronic-law reference systems, electronic document, law informational norms


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Publication date

Thursday, 02 July 2015