The article dwells on formation and development of integrational processes taking place in the states of Central Asia. The author touches upon the issue of the ways of Central Asian states integration in the frames of ShOC and CAC (Central Asian countries); she asserts that integrational ideology of the 90-ies of the previous century was based on identity of social-economic problems preconditional by the collapse of the USSR. She subjects to analysis the process of integration of CA new independent states exerting direct influence upon the prospects of development of the region. She makes an endeavour of defining the stages of integrational processes in the region which primarily are characterized with a quest of the ways of Central Asian countries on self-determination in the world community.
Recomprehension of integrational ideology begins only at the end of the 90-ies, the states of Central Asia refused from ambitious projects and concentrated themselves on the problems of which a solution might become a basis for integration. The determined priorities of integration for Tajikistan Republic enable the country to enter the world economic and technical community.
considers Economic and ecologic problems may be solved only with common efforts of all the countries of the region with an attraction of world community availabilities. At the end of the article the author comes to the opinion that integration of Central Asian countries is a factor providing sustainable development and security of the latters.
foreign policy, integration, globalization, independence, security, economy, regional integration, sustainable development, collaboration, priorities
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