The article dwells on the peculiarities of goods market functions and the principles of their classification, the author adduces differentiating market properties on criteria of classification. A block-scheme on executing market functions is composed. She adduces the types of both food and non-food goods according to a type of production and its competitive behavior. She gives definitions both of food and non-food markets. The class of food goods is divided into complex types according to the principle of grouping. Principal groups of consumers as market participants are shown. The author of the article works out a classification of goods markets‚ their grouping in pursuance with a character of production. She elicits the factors influencing the activities of goods markets as well. M.A. Alinazarova discloses the necessity of food goods as factors of people`s needs in regard to food goods insurance and health strengthening. Basic criteria in reference to market assessment and main participants of market relations are elicited.
market, commodity‚ competition, demand, supply, foodmarket‚ non-foodgoods
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