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The Formation of Soviet Criminal Law and the Peculiarities of the Development of the Institutes of Crime and Penalty in Tajikistan (1917-1924)

Author (s)

Azizov Ubaydullo Abdulloyevich


The article dwells on the peculiarities of Soviet law formation upon the whole and characteristic features of formation and development in regard to the basic institutes of criminal law – those of crimes and penalty - in the first years of Soviet state formation‚ in particular‚ in Tajikistan.

The author also explores the process of formation and functioning of new statal bodies at the dawn of the Soviet state being opposed by the old power. The subject of research of the given article is the peculiarities of an appearance of the norms  dealing with the institutes of crimes and penalty‚ especially with social varieties in regard to dangerous perpetrations which were acknowledged in that period as crimes by the state which applied penalties and other measures elaborated by the law. He analyzes the peculiarities of applied  criminal-legal norms and legal acts possessing legitimate power and adopted by supreme bodies of state power of the new Soviet state; in the first Soviet years these norms and acts had a wide diffusion being applied on all the territories the Soviet power had been established‚ Tajikistan inclusive.


Soviet criminal law‚ counterrevolutionary crimes‚ institutes of crime and penalty‚ state punitive bodies


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14.  Takhiro F.T. The History of State and Law of Tajikistan (1917 – 1922) // F.T. Takhiro. - Dushanbe: Amri Ilm‚ 2001. – V.2‚ p.1. – 494 pp.

15.  Shargorodsky M.D. Subject and System of Criminal Law // Soviet State and Law. 1941. №4. – pp. 41 – 47.

16.  Sharipov Ya. The Struggle of the Working Masses of Tajikistan for Consolidation of the Soviet Power in the Period of the Activities Carried out by the Revolutionary Committee of the Tajik ASSR (1942 – 1926) // Works of Taj: SSR Academy of Sciences (AS). - Stalinabad‚ 1955. V. XXXIX. – pp. 9 -14.

17.  Central State Archive of Tajikistan Republic Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA); f.3.‚ inv.1.‚ c.9.‚ sh. 3 - 5; f.9‚ inv. 2. – p. 265‚ sh. 2; f.2‚ inv.1‚ c.52‚ sh. 1 – 2.

 18.  Tajikistan Republic CSA: f.2‚ inv.1‚ c.57.

Publication date

Friday, 09 October 2015