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Regulation of the Right for Life in the Koran as an Initial Source of Moslemic Law

Author (s)

Dinorshoyev A.M.


Human right for life is the major one of an individual recognized in Islam as well. The  norms of the Koran are aimed at preservation of the right for life and individual`s inviolability. Proceeding from the interpretation of the Koran`s provisions the author discloses their contents dealing with the right for life and their correlation with the modern conception of human righs. He has analyzed  the opinions of scientists-jurists  both in the branches of  Moslemic  law and those dwelling on human rights in general. The author makes an endeavour to explore some aspects of human rights in the context of encroachment  upon the life of one`s own.


right for life, Islam, the Koran, human rights


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6.       Абдуллах ибн Абд аль-Мухсин ат-Турки. Ислам и права человека.  http:// islamhouse.com  (дата обращение: 08.10.2013.) 

Publication date

Saturday, 14 November 2015