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Problems of International Legal Entity

Author (s)

Rajabov Makhmadyor Nosirovich


International intergovernmental organizations (IIOs) are the subjects of international  and national law on the  grounds of the  norms concerned with the system of international and national law. But an ambiguous nature of a status of an international organization lies in the fact that its recognition as a subject takes  place  on the basis of the  norms of international law and this process is realized stage by stage  in national legislation.

The article considers the categories of  an  international legal entity as a new  phenomenon  which expresses the forms of participation  and  activities of international intergovernmental  organizations on the territory of member-states for effectuation of charter objectives and the  latters` functions.


international organizations, international legal entity, legal entity, internati­onal interstatal organizations,  law


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Publication date

Monday, 16 November 2015