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Assessment of the Action of the Mechanisms Related to Monetary-Crediting Policy and their Influence over Macroeconomic Dynamics in Transitive Period (on the Example of Tajikistan Republic)

Author (s)

D. A.Alidzhanov, S.A. Alidzhanova


The article dwells on a systemic analysis of the action of mechanisms concerned with the monetary-crediting policy under the conditions of transitive economy in Tajikistan Republic. In this context through the prism of the empiric analysis of the mechanisms dealing with monetary-crediting policy the authors of the article come to the theoretical conclusion running to the effect that in the transitive period in the Republic of Tajikistan they conduct a non- grounded restrictive monetary-crediting policy which restrains economy growth tempos.


monetary-crediting policy, obligatory reserve norm, refinancing tariff, open market operations, bank multiplicator, monetary multiplicator


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Publication date

Saturday, 14 November 2015