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Peculiarities of the Formation of Transaction Costs in Traditional Agrarian Economy

Author (s)

Kuzibayeva Baroat Murotboyevna


The article dwells on the peculiarities  concerned with the  formation of transaction costs in traditional  agrarian economy springing up at all stages  of a transaction agreement. Hereby, one should take into account that under the conditions of institutional changes and the formation of a new contradictory institutional environment an amount of transaction expenditures  grows quickly. However, their basic part bears a concealed character. It happened because the notion  of transaction costs is comparatively new even in science, especially in regard to traditional agrarian  economy. A proper form of accountability  hasn`t  been elaborated yet.  In financial-economic  documents transaction sector isn`t singled out properly today. All this creates difficulties for an assessment of transaction expenditures and their application. This  situation has become a source of non-official incomes in traditional agrarian economy for the persons in charge of the reforms conducted.


transaction costs, traditional agrarian economy, institutional changes, reforms, modernization, concealed incomes, transformation


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; mso-ansi-language: EN-US;

Publication date

Monday, 16 November 2015