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Objective Necessity of Branch Competitiveness

Author (s)

Khodjayeva Dilrabo Abdusamadovna


The structure of the branch  has been  analyzed in the article in sufficient details.  While studying the notion of branch the author elicited dimensions of production, categories of  competitiveness of branches. She established the basic goals of branch competitiveness, the factors  the latter depends on. There is  presented a full  description of economic importance in  regard to  the outfits of agricultural complex and also of basic and additional branches. There  are determined  principles of  branch competitiveness, capacities of branch market for different types of produce. It is proved  that  under the  conditions of price competitiveness  the  basic goul of branch  competitiveness  is an achievement of  effective running and solvency demands for the goods produced. Proceeding from the matetial studied one should consider that those  branches are mostly  competitive which   manufacture a produce of  the highest quality oriented principally on  export, grounded  on progressive technologies and  highly professional human resourses.


major signs, branches, competitiveness of commodity, capacity of branch market,  indices of average magnitudes, achievements  of branch competitiveness



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Publication date

Monday, 16 November 2015