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Once more on the Issues of Investitures into Tajikistan Republic under Transitive Period Conclusion

Author (s)

M. M. Abdulloev, Kh. A. Abdukodirov


The article highlights some aspects of investitive plight in the country, its attractiveness and problems both for home and foreign investors.

The author states also the fact that for today due to the efforts of the government a quatum of borrowings and grants has been decreasting from year to year. In spite of the sway of world financial crisis Tajikistan still attracts investors as the country is rich with natural resources and other factors are taken into consideration as well (for example, it possesses a potentiality of becoming a main exporter of electric power in Asia); thus, favourable conditions being created for foreign investors.   


investitive activity, current planning, theoretical knowledge and practice experience, reform, solvent, reduction of debts.


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Publication date

Saturday, 14 November 2015