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Some Issues of Cooperation between Tajikistan Republic and European Union in the Branch of Science Referring to the Period of Independence

Author (s)

Khalimova Marifat Mukhammadovna


The article pursues the objective to characterize the basic stages of the formation of  mutual relations between Tajikistan Republic and Eurounion, of the process of statal policy formation in the branch of science. The author notes the grave decline of science and education which  took place in the republic under the new conditions. An actual problem is a necessity to reinstate everything lost in the realm of science and to  ensure its development responding to modern standards. There was elaborated the programme of science modernization  for  effectuation of which many ministries and departments of the country, international financial foundations were attracted, scientific institutions of the  countries of Eurounion  inclusive.

The author draws special attention to the place and role of the Academy of Sciences in the development of cooperation  with European states., he singles out priority trends of cooperation in the realm of science. Alongside  with the progresses of  scientific collaboration the author elicits  certain drawbacks and points the ways of their overcoming.


Eurounion, scientific funds, symposia, colloquia, seminars, development, cooperation


1.       Saidov Z. Tajikistan: Interstatal  Relations in the Period of Foreign Policy Formation / Z. Saidov. The third edition. – Dushanbe, 2012. – 466 pp.

2.       The Current Archive of RT Academy of Sciences // The Report about Scientifico-Research Activity of the Institute of Astrophysics under the Academy of Sciences for 2007. – p.10.

3.       The Current Archive of RT Academy of Sciences // The Report  about Scientifico-Research Activity of the Psysico-Technical Institute named after S.U. Umarov under the Academy of Sciences for 2008. – p. 29.

4.       The Current Archive of RT Academy of Sciences // The Report about Scientifico-Research Activity for 2009. – p.9.

5.       The Current Achive of RT Academy of Sciences // The Report of Scientifico-Research Activity of the Institute of Geology for 1997. – p.20.

6.       The  Current Archive of RT Academy of Sciences // The Report about Scientifico-Research  Activity of the Institute of Chemistry for 2008. –p.34.

7.       The Current Archive of RT Academy of Sciencess // The Report about Scientifico-Research Activity of the Institute of the Department of Biological and Medical Sciences under the Institute of Botany  for 2007. –p. 40.

8.       The Current Archive of RT Academy of Sciences // The Report about Scientifico-Research  Activity of the Institute of Geology for 2005. – pp. 37-38.

9.       The Current Archive of RT  Academy of Sciences // The Report about Scientifico-Research Activity of the Agency of Nuclear and Radiation Security for 2006. – p. 39.

10.   The Current Archive of RT Academy of Sciences // The Report about Scientifico-Research Activity for 2009. – p. 102.

11.   The Current Archive of RT Academy of Sciences // The Report about Scientifico-Research Activity of the Institutes of History and Archeology named after A.Donish for 1995. – p. 79.

12.   The Current Archive of RT Academy of Sciences // The Report about Scientifico-Research Activity of the Institute of History and Archeology named after A.Donish for 2005. – pp. 103-104.

13.   The Current Archive of RT Academy of Sciences / The Report about Scientifico-Research Activity of the Institute of Water  Problems, Hydropower and Ecology for 2006. – p.38.

14.   Central State Archive (SCA). Fund 360. Inventory 21. Dossier 1218. Sheet 34.

Publication date

Monday, 16 November 2015