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Some Problems and Grounds Concerned with the Activity of Military Judge in prе-Soviet Tajikistan

Author (s)

Табаров Навруз Довудходжаевич


The article dweels on the problems related to organization and conducting legal procedures  carried into effect by a military judge in pre-revolutionary Tajikistan. The author  toucher upon such factors as place of trial, regultion and persons appointed as military


history of state and law, the institute of military judge, legal proceedingstrial, pre-Soviev Tajikistan


1.       Абдулхонов Ф.М. История судопроизводства досоветского Таджикистана. -Душанбе, 2011.

2.       Айни С. Воспоминания. -Душанбе,1962. Т.6. (на тадж.яз.).

3.       Буриев И.Б. Судебные институты государственности досоветского Таджи­кистана. -Душанбе: Ирфон, 2010.

4.       Сокит М. Институты правосудия в исламе. -Тегеран, 1325х. 

Publication date

Saturday, 14 November 2015