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Some Peculiarities of Competitiveness at the Market of Bank Services and their Distinctive Characteristics in Comparison with those ones of Commodity Market

Author (s)

A.O. Orifov, Z.R. Sirayeva


Constant deepening of market relations  and gradual upsurge of economy are inseperably connected with consolidation of bank system. Being financial mediators between the subjects of market relations credit organizations act  concurrentry as direct participants of the market and it requires a steady search of the  means which would cater  for demands and ensure respective supply at the developing market of bank services.

Proceeding from the assumption that the market of bank services is one of the segments of the market of financial services it would  be proper to assert that all the features of the latter refer to the market of bank  services as well


credit organizations, bank system, bank competitiveness, competitive relations, market of bank services, market economy, commodity market


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Publication date

Saturday, 14 November 2015