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Constitutionalism of Tajikistan: Law Issues of its Implementation and Development

Author (s)

Mukhtorov Kiromiddin Tochievich


The present theme is one of the  most actual in the science of constitutional law, the  author gives the  analysis of the  constitutional-theoretical foundations of constitutionalism in the Republic of Tajikistan; social-legal prerequisits of its further  perfection being presented as well.It is noted that only if infrastructure is organized a further development of constitutionalism may be prognosticated. The very conception of constitutionalism (constitutional state, constitutional governance, rule of law) proceeds from the idea of  natural right and is a bourgeoise–democratic antithesis to feudal absolute power. It is  just that stage from  which  institutionalization  begins as a  conception of limited  governance in the frames of the Constitution.

The following items may act as the infrastructure of the institute of constitutionalism: legal, social-economic and cultural prerequisites, such as perfection of the legislation system in  accordance with the provisions of the Constitution; establishment of the  mechanisms of realization of the provisions referring to the international-legal instruments recognized by Tajikistan; creation of a commentary to the Constitution by the Constitutional Court interpreting each article; insurance of equal availabilities for citizens in order the latters could take part in governing state and society, etc.


institute of constitutionalism, social-political essence of constitution, implementation of the Constitution, constitutional state, constitutional governance, constitutional society, constitutional regulation


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Publication date

Monday, 16 November 2015