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To the Issue of Financial Stability of Commercial Enterprises under Modern Conditions

Author (s)

Pulatov Munir Mukhtarovich, Valiyeva Dilfuza Muminovna


Under modern conditions financial stability is of great importance as it is one of the functions of economy development  in the realm of business. Financial stability is one of the most important characteristics of financial activity of an enterprise under the conditions of market economy. The notions “financial stability”, “solvency” and “credit solvency” are self-sufficient as they include the assessments of giving monetary resources and various aspects of enterprises` activity.

The authors canvas such problems as analysis of  enterprise`s  financial state, co-efficiency of an assessment its financial stability, methods of  analysis of the  financial state of the enterprise under new market conditions of economy running.


financial stability, financial state, own current assets, solvency, credit solvency, functioning stock , major sources


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Publication date

Monday, 16 November 2015