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Institutional Factors of a Strategic Adaptation of the Enterprise

Author (s)

Saakyan Vladimir Aramovich


The article contains a detailed consideration of the process of adaptation in the context of institutional factors determining the process of strategic survival. The multifactorial nature of the environment of the enterprise is due to the presence of sources of different kinds of resources being the external environment necessary for the functionality and development of the enterprise. The adaptation process of the economic entity is considered from the position at which the focus is on structural subdivisions, directly interacting with the external environment, as one of the key structures in the implementation of foreign policy. The characteristics of inert and non-inert adaptive measures are adduced. Interstructural distribution of responsibility centres in charge of taking decisions emerging in a natural way are considered.


adaptation strategy of the company, interaction with external environment, institutional factors, external inflow, institutional aspects of adaptive capacity, reactive actions, agent of the company


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Publication date

Monday, 16 November 2015