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Conscientiousness in Regulation of Social Relations as Realization of Constitutional Principles of Citizens` Rights Advocacy

Author (s)

Boltuyev Samad Sharifbayevich, Abdulloyev Iskandar Ilkhomovich


In the mechanism of regulation of civil-legal relations the norms based on moral-spiritual categories are of decisive importance, as their private legal nature entails not imperative, but  dispositive regulation of  interrelations between subjects. Some of them are taken into consideration in the  contents of functioning principles included into the civil law, but the category of conscientiousness deserves for a juridical fortification to be found in the number of constitutional principles advocating citizens` rights. It is accounted for by the consideration that under the conditions of the transition to market  relations the sphere of social relations regulated by civil law has a tendency towards extension and the conscientiousness of their participants will be of no few  importance in regulation of conflicts with law.


principle, conscientiousness, reasonability, justice, legal norms, legal consciousness, legal system


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Publication date

Monday, 16 November 2015