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Alidjanova Adiba Homidovna


This article dwells on the problems and reasons for building interregional relations between the actors of world politics. The concepts of regionalism and regionalization and their consistent phenomenon of interregionalism are analyzed. The opinions of European and Russian researchers about the world political process called "interregionalism" and its types, as well as the influence of interregionalism on the process of creating interregional institutions that affect modern world politics are studied. A variety of regional phenomena are considered: "old" and "new" regionalism and their manifestations in interstate relations.  This article  analyzed the reasons and factors for the formation of various regional institutions, cooperating not only with international and regional groups, but also with individual states to resolve economic and political problems in various geographical spaces. Accent is made on the new phenomenon – that of transregionalism and the character of its mutual actions in different formats.


Key words:  interregionalism, regionalism, regionalization, interregional cooperation, regional group, regional organizations, "old" and "new" regionalism, transregionalism



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Publication date

Thursday, 15 September 2022